A Great 2022 - Happy New Year!

As 2022 draws to a close, this blog looks back on what was to be a great year for touring after such difficult times.

This year the team toured across the Somme, Ypres, Nieuwpoort, Loos, Verdun, Arras, Fromelles, Bullecourt, Villers-Bretonneux, Meuse Argonne, D-Day landing sites and deeper into Normandy to name just a few locations.

Individuals, couples, families, friendship groups and a school came away with us. Guests ranged from 6 yrs old to 80+, all equally enthusiastic and ready to engage with their specialist guide.

We are delighted to count many guests as new friends, thank you for your company.

Guests came from across the UK, all over the USA and Sydney too!

Sophie and the team have researched soldiers & helped guests follow in the footsteps of their relatives. We’ve tracked many regiments including the DLI, The Buffs, Northamptonshire Regiment, DCLI and Northumberland Fusiliers to name just a few.

Thank you to my amazing team for your dedication to our guests enjoyment and comfort, to sharing history in such a fun and memorable way.

My final comment is to say one last thank you to everyone that has followed and supported SGWT. It’s a dream to run this special business. We have so much more to offer in 2023, including new products and locations to visit. Watch this space & come along with us in 2023!