Covid-19 Update - Travel Opportunities in 2021

Thank you for visiting my website. If there is anything you would like to ask about travel in 2021, please do get in touch and I’d be delighted to assist you.

The Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 22nd February of a roadmap out of pandemic restrictions has given us all a lift. Here are some key considerations.

International travel for those in the UK will not resume before 17th May at the earliest.

Sophie’s Great War Tours will continue to monitor the situation to assess whether European nations are imposing quarantine measures and indeed whether testing or vaccinations are required to enter. These measures I’m sure would have an effect on whether you wish to travel.

We must remember also that local lockdowns may be re-imposed throughout the year.

While there is a lot to consider still, there is very much light at the end of the tunnel. Sophie’s Great War Tours would love to help you with a special trip to the battlefields. The diary for 2022 is also getting very busy, so if you’d like to discuss dates that work for you, please do get in touch.

1) Government Guidelines

Sophie’s Great War Tours is always reviewing the Government guidelines to understand how we can operate safely.

In the months leading up to a tour departure, if it becomes obvious that a trip may not go ahead as planned, due to local or national lockdowns, guests will be informed with plenty of time so that plans can be rearranged.

2) Our Covid-19 Guarantee

If we need to move a tour to a later date due to Covid-19, no customer will incur any increases on the cost of that tour: the price you were promised will stay at that rate. Our full terms and conditions apply.

3) Financial Protection for Customers

As a UK Tour Operator, Sophie’s Great War Tours operates in line with the Package Travel Regulations 2018. Your deposit monies and final balance payments for tours are held securely in a Travel Trust Account to ensure enhanced financial protection for all customers.

4) Our Cleaning Regime

Before the outbreak of this pandemic, we at Sophie’s Great War Tours ensured that our vehicles were cleaned regularly throughout the day, to create a comfortable environment for customers to relax and enjoy.

All customers will be issued with their own hand sanitizer bottle and the cleaning programme has stepped up another notch too.

Book with confidence